Connell School of 护理 Associate Professor 安德鲁•德怀尔, a board-certified family nurse practitioner whose research addresses inequities in genomic healthcare, has been chosen as a Macy 教师 Scholar by the Josiah Macy Jr. 基金会.

The Macy 教师 Scholars program identifies and nurtures promising educators in medicine and nursing. Scholars participate in a two-year program where they 实现 an educational scholarly project of their own design at their institution and participate in career development activities. Scholars become part of the Macy 教师 Scholars network and receive mentoring and career advice from a National Advisory Committee and past scholars. Dwyer is one of only two nurses selected in the 2023 cohort, which draws applicants from a nationwide pool.


CSON Associate Professor 安德鲁•德怀尔 (Photo by Caitlin Cunningham)

“I’m really honored to have been selected as a Macy 教师 Scholar,德怀尔说。. “The Macy 基金会 is unique because it is focused on capacity-building through education. It enables educators to turn their teaching into scholarship to really advance the field.

“作为一名临床医生, 你影响着病人的生活, 家庭, 以及你直接服务的社区,德怀尔继续说道。. “但作为一名教员, you’re reaching hundreds of students—thousands over the lifespan of your career—who are each going to take care of thousands of people a year. 如果你把这个弄清楚, you are potentially impacting millions of people by shaping the training and educational experience of those who come through the School of 护理.”

德怀尔的专业领域是基因组学. He says that while genomics is rightfully credited with fueling precision healthcare, giving a deeper understanding health and illness, 快速诊断, 开发量身定制的治疗方法, there are a number of challenges and problems in the genomics era, including limited numbers of clinicians with genomic competencies as well as numerous ethical, 法律, 以及社会影响.

“Not all populations have benefitted equally from the discoveries of genomics. My feeling is that nurses can play a key role in bridging disparities in genomic healthcare.”

德怀尔的计划是发展, 实现, and evaluate novel approaches to teaching genomic competencies to advanced practices nurses. The project will use simulations—structured patient encounters—where students undergo pre-learning, 与病人互动, and undergo a debriefing helping them consolidate their learning and develop skills.

“这是为了提高信心, 知识, 也让提供者感到舒适, 提高他们提供的护理质量, 减少错误,德怀尔说。, 是谁让他知道的, there are no genomic simulations currently being used in the United States.

“The aim is to develop and validate these simulations and then disseminate it broadly as an exemplar,德怀尔说。, who has professional connections with the 全球 Genomic 护理 Alliance, International Society of Nurses in Genetics, 以及美国国立卫生太阳城官网院. “We want to change and shape clinical practice.”

“Not all populations have benefitted equally from the discoveries of genomics. My feeling is that nurses can play a key role in bridging disparities in genomic healthcare.”
Connell School Associate Professor and 2023 Macy 教师 Scholar andrew dwyer

“That’s why it is really exciting to part of the Macy 教师 Scholars community,” he continued. “You’re able to draw on the 知识 and wisdom of these experts who can offer support, 给予关键的反馈, and help you disseminate findings to increase the impact of your project.”

"With this faculty scholar support of the Josiah Macy Jr. 基础上,博士. Dwyer will fundamentally reshape the future of nursing education to bridge disparities in genomic healthcare,” said CSON Barry Family/Goldman Sachs Endowed Chair in 护理 Christopher Sean Lee, who will serve as Dwyer’s institutional mentor. “This highly competitive and interdisciplinary funding will serve as a significant catalyst to further advance Dr. 德怀尔在这方面的影响, and at the same time help raise to new heights the important research being done at the Connell School of 护理."

Other mentors and advisors for Dwyer’s project are BC Professor of Communication Ashley Duggan; Cassie Buck (Genetic Counseling Dept., Brandeis University); Mike Talkowski (Mass General Hospital/Broad Institute); Shoumita Dasgupta (Boston University School of Medicine); Marshall Summar (Children's National Hospital); Kathy Calzone (National Cancer Institute); and Maria Katapodi (University of Basel, 瑞士).

“The 2023 class of Macy 教师 Scholars are exemplary educators with potential to positively influence the next generation of learners in the health professions,”医生说。. 冬青J. Humphrey, president of the Josiah Macy Jr. 基金会, the only national foundation dedicated solely to improving the education of health professionals. “We are excited to see how this remarkable group, 无论是作为个人还是作为群体, will shape the future of health professions education through their innovative work and promise as leaders.”

Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications | March 2023