The traditional portrait of members of the new class, taken in Alumni Stadium in August. (弗兰克Curran)



The 太阳城网赌平台 Class of 2027 is impressive on its own terms: a 2,335名优秀学术青年群体, the majority of whom ranked within the top 10 percent of their high school class, one-fifth of whom are graduates of Catholic/Jesuit high schools, 他们代表了美国50个州.

在更广泛的背景下, the current first-year class—now in its second month at the Heights—represents continued validation of 美国niversity’s undergraduate admissions strategy, specifically its adoption of an Early Decision (ED) program in 2019 to meet the growing preference of high school students and to enroll more applicants for whom BC was a first choice. 这一举措立竿见影, 管理员说, while also putting BC in a favorable position ahead of a demographic transition certain to affect American colleges and universities. ED申请者占2027届毕业生的55%.

Updated portrait of 格兰特Gosselin, Director of Undergraduate Admissions.


“不仅我们的ED资源质量持续增长, 但是我们整个应用程序池的质量也在下降,” said Dean of Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid 格兰特Gosselin. “Even more notable is that the interest among applicants in the Regular Decision pool continues to increase, 也, which speaks to BC’s continuing popularity among high school students of a high academic caliber.”

The overall yield for the class was 41 percent and the overall admit rate dropped to 15 percent, confirming 美国niversity as one of the country’s most selective institutions. Both are believed to be records for 太阳城网赌平台—at minimum, Gosselin说, 它们是公元前现代史的记录. “As the nation’s high school/college population is projected to decrease in the coming years, 太阳城网赌平台 is well positioned among the nation’s elite universities.”

Ninety percent of the first-year class were ranked in the top 10 percent of their high school’s graduating class, while the standardized profile for enrolled students submitting tests is 1450-1520 for SAT and 33-34 for ACT—solid indicators of the class’s academic excellence, Gosselin指出.

The progress toward diversity in BC’s undergraduate enrollment is evidenced by the percentage of AHANA students, Gosselin说, which in recent years has been consistently in the middle to upper 30s and hit a record 38 percent for the Class of 2027. Another positive trend has been the increased presence of students who are the first in their families to attend college: They make up 12 percent of the Class of 2027.

Gosselin also pointed to the success of BC’s partnership with QuestBridge, 一个帮助优秀学生的非盈利项目, low-income students gain admission and scholarships to the country’s top-ranked colleges and universities. A total of 105 students enrolled via QuestBridge for the Class of 2027, 90 of whom were admitted through the National College Match program, for which students are awarded full scholarships without loans. 在短短三年内, Gosselin说, BC has become one of the largest college partners in the QuestBridge Match program.

这是公元前历史上第二次, all 50 states have at least one student in the first-year class. The Mid-Atlantic and New England (both at approximately 29 percent) are the top geographic regions for the Class of 2027, 其次是西方, 中西部, 以及南部/西南部. 麻萨诸塞州(460), 纽约(293), 新泽西州(197), 加州(178), and Connecticut (120) are the most represented states among BC’s first-year students. The most represented countries of origin for the 162 first-years with international citizenship include China (39), 加拿大(14), 韩国(13), 英国(11), 德国(7), 印度尼西亚(7), 阿拉伯联合酋长国(7).

每个一年级的班级, 在BC或其他地方, brings with it a set of shared experiences tied to major historical events or cultural movements; these are common to all undergraduates of the same generation, 当然, 但每个阶层往往都有自己独特的视角. 2027届的高中前两年, 例如, were dominated by COVID-19 and the national response to the George Floyd murder, 以及2020年大选争议, 最终导致了1月6日的暴动. 

当学校辅导员有疑问或问题时, 他们知道他们可以直接对付我们, 而不必使用应用程序或平台. 我们重视与学校保持的关系. Not only do they provide an important service to school counselors, but they make us better admission professionals in the process. It’s an illustration of how BC’s cura personalis is an institution-wide philosophy.

Within the college admission process, the changes have been equally robust. 在过去的四年里, the field has seen the introduction of test-optional admission at the nation’s most selective universities, 提前录取项目越来越受欢迎, 美国.S. 最高法院对种族歧视录取的禁令, and the rapid evolution and increased use of artificial intelligence, 特别是ChatGPT和类似的程序. These and other issues not only have repercussions for the next group of first-year students, but for the high school guidance counselors advising them on their college-related decisions, 戈瑟林说.

“We’re finding that school counselors are increasingly challenged to understand the complexities in higher education, specifically with regard to colleges’ changing policies and practices. 为了给他们的学生提供好的建议, it is critical for them to have open lines of communication with admission professionals. 不幸的是, we also know that as college admission officers face their own challenges, many have turned to technology to communicate with school counselors, 而不是参与谈话.

“This is where 太阳城网赌平台 benefits from the personal connections our Admission staff have forged over the years with high school counseling staff across the country. 当学校辅导员有疑问或问题时, 他们知道他们可以直接对付我们, 而不必使用应用程序或平台. 我们重视与学校保持的关系. Not only do they provide an important service to school counselors, but they make us better admission professionals in the process. It’s an illustration of how BC’s cura personalis is an institution-wide philosophy.”