



Dr. Poteat’s areas of research are: homophobic and other forms of bias-based bullying; discriminatory bullying/mental health and resilience of LGBT youth; peer group social networks and socialization processes; developmental trajectories of diversity attitudes and behaviors; social norms; and ideology beliefs connected to homophobic attitudes and behaviors. Dr. Poteat has written extensively on his topics of research; among the works he has been a co-author of: “Developmental Changes in Sexual Prejudice From Early to Late Adolescence: The Effects of Gender, 比赛, 不同变化模式的意识形态(发展心理学); “Gay-Straight Alliances are Associated with Student Health: A Multi-School Comparison of 同性恋群体 and Heterosexual Youth (J青少年太阳城官网杂志); “Adolescent Health and Harassment Based on Discriminatory Bias (美国公共卫生杂志); “ The Effects of General and Homophobic Victimization on Adolescents' Psychosocial and 教育al Concerns: The Importance of Intersecting Identities and Parent Support (咨询心理学杂志); and “When Biased Language Use is Associated with Bullying and Dominance: The Moderating Effect of Prejudice (青年与青春期杂志). 波特目前是《太阳城官网》的副主编 青少年太阳城官网杂志2015年,他获得了the 学校心理学评论.